
Kett's prayers...

Tanzen and Makett pray by themselves now, and Brandon and I are often trying our hardest not to laugh, as they say the funniest things. An example:

Makett: "Please bless my phone will start working, and that it could not have buttons but could go like this (He taps the screen of his cell phone--which is an old flip phone--like it's an i-phone). And please bless that it will not get dark so I won't have to go night-night."

Tanzen: "Thankful for Daddy's new job, thanks for our happy family, thanks for our new house, please bless we can sell our little old house. Please bless that we can stay in bed and go to sleep. And please bless our dog's tongue can get fixed." (Khylo's tongue droops to one side-- the boys started praying to fix Khylo's tongue a few weeks ago, even though it's not something we've mentioned to them).

These excepts from last night's prayers are a good example of their personalities!

In other news...I'm not sure what to do about this blog. It's become a rather boring scrapbook, and I'm not sure it's worth keeping up. The reason I've kept it up is that I print it into a photobook for the year, and it's easiest for me to keep up with documenting that way. There are all sorts of other things I think it would be fun to blog about, but seeing as I'll probably never have the time to actually post...not sure!

1 comment:

Tonee said...

I hear you on blogging! It seems like a lot of people are "dropping" out of it/getting sick of it. I have wondered about mine as well. It's funny, because I love reading others (like yours!), but I just don't find it as fun to write my own blog anymore.