
ROCKY the indomitable man

Sorry for the poor picture quality, our camera stinks. You must, double click on the picture to get a better view. Look closely at this picture and you will see a long line of people waiting to get their picture taken with the Rocky statue. When people come to Philly there are a few things that they love to see: Independence hall, the Liberty Bell, and the Rocky statue, and run up the stairs of the Art Museum!
Why would the Rocky statue be on the list?
Why the long line?

The Rocky statue is a tangible object of something that comes from deep within us all. When looking at the statue we realize the greater underlying meaning. . . In Rocky III the statue is first presented to Philly with the thought, "A person who defies odds and logic and fulfills an incredible dream." The statue stands, "as a celebration to the indomitable SPIRIT OF MAN." A strength that lies in each of us, saying we can do it!

This is the view from the top of the stairs of the art museum which Rocky runs up in many of the episodes. What a view of the city, what a great place to sit and think of all the things that make us strong, and that we can overcome anything when we give it our all and pray for help. Not to mention it is entertaining to watch all the people run up the stairs and jump up and down at the top with their arms thrown in the air in a victorious salute.


"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears."

And So I thought I would share a bit of the rhythm that I follow, no matter how off pace or out of beat it is. These are painting I put together during medical school and my first year as a Doctor. Each with a story that I will just slightly crack the surface of. Only enough time for six paintings at the moment, maybe more some other time.

The insanity that each day can bring; often
overwhelming, but to think there is always
an arm out stretched and there
is always a way to safety, the great 'I am.
painted during the
intensity of med shcool,
and the help I received through prayer.
Aboriginal tribes believe the purpose of the plant kingdom is to feed animals and humans, to hold the soil together, to enhance beauty, to balance the atmosphere, and that the plants sing to humans silently, and all they ask in return is for us to sing back. As we know, we need oxygen that plants give us(exhale to us), and plants need carbon dioxide which we exhale to them, and so the process of life.

The Long awaited. This was the year we were expecting/hoping to get pregnant, so
many souls waiting to come. A year later we were pregnant. Not enough room to
describe the meaning of this painting, a small sample of the poem goes like this,
'They are waiting, waiting on the roof top, in the clouds, waiting . . .'

'If a plant cannot


according to

its nature, it dies;

and so a man.'

Serenity and simplicity,
and to regret ever
being wiser than the
day we were born.

If we only
knew what was
ahead. . .
We would
find ourselves
in one of these
endless lines. . .
Most of my paintings are also accompanied by a poem. This painting takes an in depth view of the medical world.
As the man twiddled his thumbs
54% of Americans are not satisfied with their medical care
What medications are you on?
As Disney took over America
But. . . dont tell me you dont deserve it.
As files were filed, one by one
44.5 million Americans are uninsured
5 were depressed and 10 were anxious
the fantasy continues, base by base
the picture was taken, shot by shot
the other twiddles his thumbs
And the Doctor nods, Yes
screams of Love, of love, of love
As the man twiddles his thumbs
All on Koufax blvd.