

Meal time is a highly anticipated activity at our house...for both man and beast! Khylo assumes ready position once the bibs go on...

The boys get stripped down before eating beets...I'm sure it's apparent as to why...

Mastering the sippy cup...a work in progress, but we're getting better every day!

Tanzen is becoming skilled at feeding himself
Ah, the excitement! Makett has definitely chubbed up since he started solids!

Makett was giggling away at his reflection...it wasn't till I looked at the picture later that I realized what a fantastic face he was giggling at! (check out his reflection in the mirror...)


Tonee said...

I love these pictures! Aren't they just the cutest when they eat and get all messy? Boy, I wish adults could look that cute with food all over our faces..he he he

Unknown said...

those are funny i need to look more often