
Grass Jelly?

We were meandering through China town, it was hot and we were thirsty. Brandon instructed me to go into a Chinese market and find a "weird drink." I scanned many interesting labels from various fruits and teas until I saw Grass Jelly. The ingredients were just grass jelly, water, sugar and honey so I figured my honey would enjoy it. I proudly gave him his weird drink, certain he would be overjoyed. Apparently, he wanted a weird drink that was still delectable, and Grass Jelly didn't quite fit the bill. According to Brandon, "It was doable till I started getting the brown chunky things..." He drank it all, what a man! I rewarded him with my mango drink.

A piece of grass jelly (and to think I've lived all this time without knowing grass jelly existed!)

1 comment:

Kenzi said...

GROSS!! Only you guys would think of getting that drink!! Should have picked up one for mom- it may bring back some great memories!!