
I. Am. Still. Pregnant!

Doctor's appointment today, and my anti-hospital intervention self shamefully begged to be induced!  
My mom flies into Philly in an hour and has to leave in 2 weeks because my little brother leaves on his mission.  Since she can't move in with me for six months like I'd like, I feel an urgency to use every second of her time here with her and the babies at my house, teaching me how to take care of these two little guys.   That's the biggest reason why I want to have these babies in the next fourteen minutes...although the thought of being able to walk and breathe is mighty tantalizing too!  

Anyhow, my doctor said he'd admit me if I was dilated to a five, and, sadly enough, I'm only at a four, although I'm still fully effaced.  He stripped my membranes, so now it's all up to the little monkeys.  I'm torn--I know its best for them to stay in as long as possible...however...we're basically at 37 weeks here, and that's considered term for twins.  I keep reminding myself it will all happen just the way it's supposed to, right?

Sigh.  No worries, I'll keep ya'all posted, even if it's just to announce my place in The Guinness Book of World Records as the only woman to never deliver her babies!


Katie said...

I feel for you. That last stretch is horrible. I've been wondering about your and whether or not you'd had them yet. I was hoping you had. I totally understand the conflict between wanting them to stay in and come when ready but also needing as much time with your mom as possible. I guess if you can't be induced until at least a 5 then you have no choice but to wait and pray that the come on their own asap!! Stripping the membranes totally worked for me, but it's about a 50/50 success rate. I will cross my fingers that it gets more going for you. Meanwhile, though it is uncomfortable, do lots of walking!!!

Chelsea said...

I am so sorry chaci! I hope so much that you will have news tomorrow, sleep one last good night tonight and gear up for delivery tomorrow right?

Anonymous said...

Hang in there...ticktockticktock. 37 weeks is a feat in and of itself when it comes to twins.You will be in baby heaven soon enough! Enjoy these last few hours, you will never forget them and I seriously doubt that you will make it into the guiness book of records. (did I spell that right?) Have a great time with your Mom. Be good! Leslie and Company

liz hawkins said...

Oh, Chaci. I've been checking your blog everyday for news and I gasped when I read the latest headline. Hopefully the little guys will make an appearance soon. If only they knew how excited we all are to meet them...

Tonee said...

Hey Chaci! This is Tonee Smoot. I stumbled upon your blog and was so excited to read all about what you and Brandon have been up to! Can't believe you have been married 7 years! And oh yes, can't believe you are having twins!!! I think you look absolutely beautiful in all those pregnancy pics of you! I am pregnant too... 28 weeks! I was feeling kind of good (because everyone says I am huge, and the Dr. confirmed it today that I am big for 28 weeks), thinking "okay, she looks fairly big for 26 weeks or whatever," then come to find out you're expecting twins! I think you look small for twins, but I know how you feel, and I know how it feels to feel like the hugest thing ever! Well, I am so happy for you guys. Again, tell Brandon hello and send all my love to your mom. Check out my blog if you'd like toneeandbrennan.blogspot.com
Lots of love!

Megan said...

If it makes you feel any better, you're closer than I am. I'm so glad you're mom is coming out to help you. When I had Gwen I thought, "What's so hard about taking care of a baby? Don't they just eat, sleep, and poop?" I'm making my mom come up to help this time around. Anyway, good luck with the whole thing. Keep us posted.

Jody said...

Good luck! I hope you're having them right now! That's wonderful your mom was able to go help you.

I've checked your blog like 3 times today because I've been so anxious to hear some news. I'm sure they'll be adorable. Even though the next little while will be a whirlwind, please keep us posted!!!

Camille said...

Sorry, Chaci! I just voted that you'll be pregnant forever, so hopefully that will tip the scale in favor of delivery. :)

Bennett Family said...

I am so impressed with your good attitude! You really are an inspiration! I am praying those cute babies come... I bet they ARE ready too! (They must be pretty crowded!) I will keep checking for your big news. I am so glad your mom is there for the fun and to help distract you these last few (long) hours! Love, Elizabeth Bennett

Prairie said...

AHHH You perfectly perfect mother! I am sorry your mom is here now and still no babies for you, but you have done everything so good for them during this pregnancy I can see they just don't want to move out yet! You are taking such good care of them already why would they want to??? Well, maybe now that grandma is here they will start getting interested in meeting her! I hope that works, for both your sake! Come on Tanzen and Makett, we are all DYING to meet you, especially your mommy!
Good luck this week! I know it's just about to happen!
You're going to be great!
I send you a big warm hug!