

liz hawkins said...

So cute!!

Chelsea said...

They are so cute it is so fun to see you all holding two babies there is just something about it! I hope your sleeping enough and all is great!

Ellen said...

I can NOT believe how small they are! I especially love the two of them in the bouncy seat. So cute!

Stephanie said...

They are so cute! You can never take too many pictures of them. They grow up and change way too fast!

Jody said...

So cute! Cameron will sit on my lap and watch all the pictures. It's helpful in my trying to explain that we are going to get a tiny baby.

His favorite is with your dog in the picture. He also said "Me like Brandon" when I told him that's who was holding the babies.

The Katich Family said...

soooooo sweet! Thanks for the pictures, it looks like baby heaven. They are adorably delicious!

Ann said...

So how's the dog reacting to these two new invaders?