

Brandon has started taking us geocaching- the boys love finding "treasure", and the time exploring new places is fun as well.
Looking for a cache on the Walnut Lane bridge-- there's an App Brandon uses 
Ketty brings his phone to use the map- it's an old flip phone, so imagination is required
It took some tricky urban hiking to get there!

This was a tricky cache- it was stuck inside the guardrail

 There are several cache's around Boat House Row

Consulting the compass...quite differently than I learned growing up!
Ah, Azaleas!  Please tell me we can grow these in Utah?  
You can't see it very well in the picture, but I love the view from the art museum- the manicured grounds, then the river, then the train bridge covered with graffiti, topped with row homes.  Very Philly.
Nap time?
Finding the cache-- makes me nervous sticking their hands where they can't see!
Treasure found!
Just a few more Azaleas!  :)

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