

The other morning Makett came running downstairs excitedly, and said, "Mommy!  I hope all my ant friends is still here!"
I didn't realize we had ant friends.
Luckily we only had a few, and they only stayed for the morning...Tanzen and Makett were in heaven.  Makett called them all his "little antie friends" and was helping us all have ant friends too...
"Here Tanny, here is a ant friend for you.  Look Mommy!  My ants brought more friends for you!  Close the door so I can keep all my ant friends.
And my favorite Maketty phrase of late, "Don't worry Mommy! My ants will like living here with us!"
"Come here Antie!  Let your Kett friend play with you!" 
After an enjoyable morning constructing houses for the ants in measuring cups, we bade them farewell.  We checked out their ant hill outside and it was unanimous that the ants would be happier living in their ant house, which Makett still likes to visit.  Glad we could all come to an agreement on that one!

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