
Everyday pics...

This doesn't seem suspicious at all, right?  It usually means they snuck a treat they know they shouldn't be having

Not sure what it is about socks, but ALL my children take them off.  They are the bane of my existence!  I am SOO glad it's getting warm enough to ditch socks, as I'm tired of finding them strewn all over the house!

We love dancing in the kitchen, and Kett and Tanz are developing some great moves...this was to Gotye's "Somebody that I used to Know"...it's their current fav for dancing.

My Dad often has a pencil behind his ear while he works, and Kett likes to pretend he's working like Papa
Now that we're potty trained, the boys help each other with reading material
Pretty sure the benches weren't intended to be train cars, but that seems  like a good idea anyway!
I would love to know what goes through Kett's head...he plays with his trains like this for hours!

This window always has fingerprints, as it's our favorite place to be around 6, when we look for Daddy to come home

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