
Spotlight on: Makett

We love our Makett! He loves to laugh and tell jokes, and has a great sense of humor for a 3 year old. He still loves train tracks and Thomas and will play with them for hours. He loves going to primary, going to our mommy-preschool, library time, the Please Touch museum,driving home the "train tracks way" and the "tunnel bridge way". He has quite a sweet tooth and often puts his climbing skills to use to steal sweets when a window of opportunity arises. He's forever bargaining with us-- he gets one candy every time he uses the bathroom, but never fails to ask for three instead. I love cuddling with him, and am relish every time he comes to sit on my lap to "have a conversation" as he says. He's starting to use my discipline techniques on me, and I find it quite charming. Occasionally he and Tanzen use them on each other, which is equally hilarious.

As Tanzen says, Kett is a good finder. Or, in other words, Kett is very sneaky at going through drawers and cupboards to find items he's not supposed to have :)

He's often the first to go in when Ryme wakes up. I still haven't figured out how he manages to throw so many toys in her crib so quickly!

The time out spot...which Kett loves to use his climbing skills on. He's supposed to be on time out...I can't say I blame him, the radiator pipes look more fun!
As Tanny likes to say, "Kett is a good builder". He makes excellent train tracks.
Kett is inside the diaper box...he'd stick out his hands and had Ryme laughing incredibly hard

Sage and Kett at Please Touch-- Sage is wearing the Alice in Wonderland costume, Kett is the Mad Hatter. Kett and Tanzen both love playing with Sage-- in his prayer a few days ago Makett blessed that Sage would get to do something fun.
This is Kett's mad/mean face. He thinks it's a great way to express how he's feeling, I must admit I have a hard time not smiling.

An interview with Makett
What is your favorite thing to do?
"Play with trains, and make towers, and go to the sucker place" (That would be the cheesesteak place down the street, Apollos. The owner always gives them a sucker, and he has a life long friend in Makett!)
Who do you like to play with?
"Daddy, Tanny, Coco--giggle giggle-- (there's that sense of humor for you :) Papa"
Can you tell me something funny that happened to you?
"When I punched you and I ate you all gone. That was super funny!!"
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite toy?
"Ummm, trains. All my trains, and Thomas is my favorite..."
What's your favorite book?
"I like the books by the pigeon guy. I'm good at finding the pigeon in the book!"
(We've been getting a lot of Mo Willems books from the library-- and he really is good at finding the hidden pigeon!)
What's your favorite color?

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