
"Just take pictures before you clean it up"

A dear family friend gave me great advice when I was pregnant. She has 6 kids, the youngest are twin girls. Her advice? When twins conspire to create disasters, take pictures before you clean it up.

I thought of her today. I had a bucket of disgustingly dirty soapy water. The boys were playing in the other room, I dashed to the kitchen to rinse out the rag. They were laughing like crazy, I was relieved to hear laughter instead of shrieks, so I lingered long enough to refill my water bottle...then walked back to see this:
Dirty soapy water on everything, dripping down their faces, and the boys squealing with delight over every filthy splash.

So, thanks to Kathy, here are your pictures!
I'm sure they'll out-do this caper soon...

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