

I've been trying to get my sister to visit forever, so I was way excited when she came with her boyfriend Lenny (Yes, they wanted to see us...but the real reason? She had a week off of work and they wanted to go on vacation together and needed a chaperone). We were thrilled to accomodate!

The best news? Lenny isn't Kenzi's boyfriend anymore. He's her fiance, and that's way better!!!

August 11 is their big day. Yay!
Touring all the Philly landmarks...
Fairmount water works...
Valley Forge...
The zoo...
Thanks for the visit! And welcome to the family Lenny!

1 comment:

Katie said...

How exciting that Kenzi is getting married!! If you come out this way, you need to let us all know so we can get the high school group together!