
In the Senate?

Last week we were walking by the art museum and an Indian guy stopped me...you have to imagine his accent for the full effect:

Man: "Oh my! What a looooong tongue she has!"

Me: "Ya, it's pretty long..."

Man: "She will be a great speaker one day. We shall see her in the Senate!"


Susan G. said...

What a great photo! Reminds me of the story my mom tells about the doctor taping Noni's tongue with a tongue depressor and saying "well, it fits!" when she pulled it into her mouth! I've never seen anyone get such a great shot of a baby's tongue.

Kimberly Sutherland said...

THAT is so GREAT!!!
I literally L'dOL when you text it to me and then again when I read it on here. Love it!!! Love her and you :)))

Anonymous said...

love to feel that licking myballs