
Snow fun

**Ooops! Meant to post this in January!!**

Tanzen and Makett had quite an adventure at my parent's cabin. We had to snowmobile in and break a road through huge snow drifts...which resulted in the sleds constantly being stuck. Let me tell you, being 8 months pregnant, holding Makett on my lap...it was crazy!

Tanzen LOVES the snow and constantly wanted to be outside. A favorite activity was blowing the snow in each other's face.
Snow shoeing...

It was 4 degrees outside so I was determined to bundle them up well. They were warm!

Tanzen also LOVED the snowmobiles, he would have been content to ride them all day. Makett wasn't such a fan.
My brothers made snow caves, and slept in them. Remember it was 4 degrees outside? Brr!
Coincidentally the boys' snow gear matched the sleds

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