Somewhat to my chagrin, I'm still pregnant! I realize I'm supposed to be appreciating this time before the babies come, however, I find that hard to do while lugging the belly and fluid-bloated limbs around. I have no idea what I'll do with them once they come, but I'm ready to find out!
For those who've asked, here's the update:
-At my 34 week appointment I was 100% effaced, and the doctor could feel Tanzen's head
(such a crazy thought)! I was elated when he told me to make my appointment for the following week, but that he would probably see me in the hospital before then.
-Now, at 35 1/2 weeks...I'm still pregnant. I keep reminding myself that it's a good thing, especially since I don't want the boys to have to be in NICU. 37 weeks is considered term for twins and the goal was to make it to 35, which I've done, so bring it on!!
-At 38 weeks (Oct 9th) they'll induce me, although we're hoping the boys will make their debut unassisted!
-While Tanzen is in a perfect head down position, Makett is still breech. The docs, of course, are encouraging c-section, but I'm really hoping for a vaginal birth. The plan is to deliver Tanzen, then have them try to turn Makett head down--it's not uncommon for the 2nd twin to flip once he has extra room, so it's possible! Now, this does leave the possibility that they would still have to do a c-section for Makett, so I may experience both types of births...but I think it's a gamble I'm willing to make. I am finally giving in to doing an epidurral because if they have to do an emergency ceserean they'll be able to without completely putting me under. I've pretty much come to terms that my natural Bradley birth will have to take place at a birthing center with the next baby (which is one more reason why I don't want a c-section).
Somewhere in the last week my lung capacity greatly diminished and it's hard to sit down since my huge belly rests on my legs and smashes the poor little guys. I'm grateful that I've been able to stay relatively active, even if my hands and feet look like loaves of bread. The water retention in my face is especially lovely. Anyway, I'm hoping they come this week, I think it's time!