
Visit to the Seaport Museum

We took the youth from our church to the Seaport Museum on Saturday. The museum is right along the Delaware river...we're in Philly facing Center City, New Jersey's right across the river. I'm a sucker for history and museums, so despite the nausea, it was great!We toured this retired submarine. I was amazed at how claustrophobic it was, and can't fathom how 85-90 men lived on it for months at a time!
Can you imagine trying to hurry through these doorways on the sub? This is Maretta, a friend in our neighborhood whose husband is in med school at Drexel. We're standing in front of one of the missiles on the sub.
After walking looking at the memorial to the 3,500 men whose subs had never returned, then seeing the cramped, barely livable conditions, I couldn't imagine signing up to work on one for $17 a month. They were so dedicated! It definitely heightened my appreciation for the military and men who fought in WWII on these crafts.
This was what heightened Brandon's appreciation...this is one of the bathrooms on the naval ship...you'd get pretty close to the 7 other guys sharing these toilets. They slept in hammocks that were also really crowded. Wow!


Pam said...

Hey we are coming to DC at the beginning of June (without the kids) how far away are you guys? will you email me? fisher.pam@gmail.com
thanks - maybe we could come see you guys or something!

Anonymous said...

Chaci and Brandon--It is so much fun to see these pictures and keep up on your progress! Wow! Two boys????!!!!!! (Don't worry, in my opinion they are easier than girls!) We love you dearly! Keep it comin'!