
Actually moving...

 There was lots of packing, and Brandon was really busy studying for boards.  The kids weren't the best packing helpers, but they tried!

Our wonderful friend and neighbor Liz, who helped entertain the kids while I either packed or cleaned for a showing, I can't remember which!
 We got down to the wire on getting the truck loaded.  If it wasn't for our saintly friends from church, we'd probably still be trying to get that darn truck loaded!

 Loading the last of it-- we were packing and cleaning right up till my flight
We used 26 feet of an ABF trailer
 Getting ready to close the door on Philly...this picture makes me sad!
 The last thing to go was our Scion...Brandon sent the boys a video of them loading the Scion on the trailer, which they thought was pretty awesome!

Bye Philly?!

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