

It's been a crazy past 6 weeks! The updates...
At ten months Ryme decided she wanted to drink out of a sippy cup like her brothers. I fought her on it for a few weeks, my efforts were futile so she won. Sad! She loves being right in the middle of whatever Tanzen and Makett are doing-- they'll be tackling and she crawls right in there with them. She's getting pretty close to walking, says Mama and Dada, and has three teeth. I can't believe she's almost one! Sunshine and smiles, that's our baby Ryme!

Tanzen and Makett are best buds. I feel like I'm getting some payback for the tough first two years, as they're finally to the age where they play and keep each other entertained. Granted, there are frequent cries of foul play, but we're getting there!

We love listening to them talk to each other-- "Tanny! As soon as Mommy goes down stairs let's go jump on her bed!" or "Kett, let's play this game. You run down the hall then tackle me!" They certainly keep us entertained!

1 comment:

Kenzi said...

Cute, cute, cute!! I can't believe how big they are getting! So can't wait till you live here and we see you more regularly!