
Kett's Dream Day

My friend emailed me a while ago...with the subject line "Ketty's dream day." Thomas was coming to town!

To say Makett loves Thomas is an understatement. A few weeks ago I asked Ketty after he woke up if he had had any dreams. He said yes. I asked him what he dreamed about, he smiled and exclaimed, "Thomas!"

Thomas watches him sleep. Thomas watches him eat. Thomas waits by the window for us to come home. He is the bedtime story of choice. Kett goes to nursery to play with the big Thomas. He can create tracks for hours for Thomas to ride on. See Thomas cuddled up to Kett's cheek while he sleeps?
I was slightly concerned that Kett would hyperventilate when he saw his beloved engine in person. He almost did.

Then he got down to business-- their Thomas train tables had all the engines Kett loves. He was thrilled beyond words to be able to hook 5 James' together. I used all my tricks and still couldn't get him to look up.
It was $18 each to ride Thomas for 20 minutes...and $14 for all of us to ride the regular train. Since they rode on parallel tracks we got a better view of Thomas than those riding behind him.
It was definitely Kett's dream day...and Tanzen liked it too :)

1 comment:

Amanda K said...

Yay! So glad you guys got to go see Thomas. Did you see the "Thomas Store" (as Caleb calls it) right near the railroad? They will get seconds of the engines in and sell them for $6-- a lot cheaper than they are in the stores!