

Tanzen loves his piggy, and takes it all around the house. Oh, how I love these big blue eyes!
He loves accessories...he's been wearing his bike helmet all week, along with these awesome sunglasses, and his mittens. We're curious to see how this will develop...
Tanny loves play dough, coloring and painting. This is his snowman sculpture.

Tanny is a very sweet and gentle big brother...
St. Patty's day green eyebrows...this is his cheesy grin.

My friend loaned us this potty, and while we're not ready to potty train yet (especially me!) Tanzen couldn't wait to try it out.
After watching my parents eat with chopsticks, Tanny insisted on using them too. He did really well!
We love our Tanny!

1 comment:

Noni Smith said...

Hi Chaci...I feel for you with the potty training! I'm not ready either, but my twin boys think they are and we spend many a long moment in the bathroom with them switching potty's and running around naked. Ohhh...the joy of it all! :)