
3 years?!

We have 3 year olds living in our house. Several times a day, one of them will ask, "Mommy, I still 3?"

Brandon told them I'd make them each whatever kind of cake they wanted. I am no cake artist, but I did my best. My friend Tonee came up with this genius Thomas cake, since sculpting Thomas is clearly above my skill level. Her's was way cuter and more complex.
Tanzen requested a piggy cake, one that look just like his piggy.
I know you could guess what Kett wanted without my posting a pic...

Tanny supervising to ensure the cake looked just like Piggy.
We had a birthday party at the park with their friends. Ryme cooperated with the hat long enough for a picture...
Tanny wanted to eat every bite of his piece of piggy cake-- the other kids had long been on the playground and he was still working on it.
Kett playing "Engineer Says"...a very creative game, rather similar to Simon says.

They were really excited about their cakes. We were getting ready to leave our house for the party at the park, when Kett ran up excitedly holding his cake...frankly I was impressed he even managed to get it off the table! He slid it so Thomas crashed onto the cake, oh well!


Kenzi said...

Wow!!! Very impressive!! I love both of the cakes! So them!!!

Brett said...

Happy Birthday!!! I can't believe they are already three. How quickly they have grown. Oh and congratulations on the job. We are excited for you guys!

Brett said...

That comment was from Shelby, by the way. Brett wants me to clarify because he says it sounds girly.

Tonee said...

Oh! Your cakes look awesome! Thanks for crediting me on the cake, but honestly, I saw if off of someone else's idea as well! I think it looks sooo great. The piggy is so cute as well. I love the apples a side the bday cake...nice! :) Ryma, Ryma is terribly cute! Love those big blue eyes.