
Kett's Rite of Passage to Boyhood

After a fun filled day in the sand we got our pj's on and were just settling down, looking forward to a beach day in the morning.
Unfortunately, after having a blast making forts with the couch cushion, Kett collided with the coffee table...
...so we ended up here...
It was an awesome four hours in the ER. Katie and her mom had Ryme and Tanzen, I wasn't planning on being gone that long and was worried about Ryme needing to nurse. Kett was very sweet and brave. I'll admit it-- I cried when they were sewing him up--he was screaming and all I could do was touch his toes, heartbreaking! I just kept thinking about Moms whose kids deal with major health problems.

When Brandon decided to be a doctor I was relieved I would have him to save the day with all health concerns and emergencies. Problem is, he's always gone when these things happen! I'm sure if he was there, he would have pronounced his favorite phrase lately, which is, "Don't ask me- it's not cancer." All the same, we were really wishing Daddy was there!
His eye was quite swollen for a few days...

Then he had a cool black eye


Tonee said...

Oh, poor thing. I am surprised we haven't had an ER visit with my wild child! I am sure it's coming. Glad to hear you made it through, that means I can too (when something inevitably happens). I like Brandon's new phrase. :) :)

Ann said...

Is that a straight jacket he's wearing?!

Chelsea said...

poor thing! sadly Davis has had 2 black eyes already that is what you get when you have an older brother i guess...