
Radiate Joy

I started a blog for my cancer patients. The purpose of the website is to help patients find support when they are out of our clinic; to give them a resource full of information, stories, books, support, interactive links, community outreach programs, and encouragement. The blog will contain weekly updates in the form of book reviews, encouraging thoughts/stories, and monthly overviews/lessons on radiation oncology. I love working with cancer patients and am so grateful for all that I can learn from them, I hope to give back as much as I can. So far I've received two wonderful stories from friends that I'll be adding to my blog, I would appreciate your emailing me if you have anything you'd like to contribute, radiatejoy@gmail.com. You can check it out the blog at http://radiatejoy.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

the Andershall Family said...

Thanks you two. I checked out your radiate joy sight. And for me who has felt the loss and the love in cancer over the years, it is wonderful.
I am so proud of you both.
Can't wait for the news--even though Chaci really will be pregnant forever (that's just the way it goes at this point, babe)!