This is Michael and Amir, Brandon purposely took the pic so that the monument is coming out of Michael's head.
I was excited to walk around the mall, but quickly found out that I was no match for the heat and humidity! We glanced at the White House, then Shelby and I went to enjoy the air conditioned comfort of the Smithsonian art museum while the boys braved the heat.
Brandon and Brett in front of the Lincoln memorial...Brett was a great tour guide!
We stopped at a very sketchy Wendy's on the way back.
I got a kick out of the "Metropolitan Police Substation" in the back corner of the Wendy's. A cop came in, went back behind the counter and got a drink and some fries, then sat down at his substation. I really wanted to take a picture of him sitting there, but figured that this picture would have to suffice.
Perhaps the world's smallest library?
Across the street from the Wendy's was the saddest public library I've ever seen. It's in DC, and is barely bigger than a snow cone shack. I surely hope there's a bigger library somewhere closer, can't help but wonder why they would bother building such a tiny library in the first place!
Hey Chaci! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You look great pregnant & I'm so excited for you!
It's so great that you live so close to so much great historical sites. I'm glad you're taking advantage.
You look great! Hope you're feeling great too.
I know my grammar is suffering in my comment above, but I'm too tired to change it. You know how late nights and pregnancy are.
When you see those mini libraries look for thier proximity to a bus stop or, housing project. There are often many of these little libraries placed around in demographics where transportation to a main library is not as conveniant.
How fun to live so close to history -- way to take advantage of it! And I never commented before . . . Chaci, I love your pregnancy pictures. You look really beautiful.
Hi, Chaci. Your mom told me you were in Philly. She gave me your number, too, and I've been meaning to call... Anyway, we're living in Philly for the summer, and since summer is almost over, we'll be leaving in just a few weeks. I'd like to see you if you're available. We're actually in Chadds Ford, about 40 min. from the city. Your blog is super cute, and Cancun looks so cool. Hope to hear from you soon.
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