
Our First Regatta

This is our favorite street to drive on in Philadelphia. It's called Kelley drive, and is within walking distance from our house, right along the Schuylkill river. It goes through Fairmount park and has beautiful trails for walking and bike riding...there's a 3 mile loop that goes from East Falls to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which, aside from being one of the biggest art museums in the country, is most famous for the steps from the Rocky movies. We've spent several Sunday afternoons sitting at the top of the steps, watching people run up and to do their best Rocky imitation.

I love these cool old bridges!

We're continually amazed at how green everything is here! Coming from Phoenix, I swear it's like we're in a rain forest...and I can't get over how fast everything grows, and that so many things grow spontaneously! I'm also surprised at how much it rains.

These are participants in the Regatta. Apparently sculling (rowing) is a big sport...who knew?

Khylo loves going for walks...a pre and post walk shot. Three miles is a long way when your legs are only five inches long!


Jody said...

I'm jealous of how green it is! You look so cute, and you don't even look pregnant in this picture. Lucky you!


It is so pretty out there! Here it gets green for about five minutes in between the freezing snow and the scorching brown summer. that is awesome you live so close to an art museum! I bet you guys love that!

Amber said...

ahh..the good old Kelly Drive! Don't you love Philly? You just wait until Summer, Kelly Drive is definitely the happening place. Perfect for taking walks while working on that prego belly. If you ever need a buddy to walk with give me a call. You look great. Hang in there.

Tanji, Jimmy Jay and Baby Taislyn! said...

Chac, you're looking cute! I know it will never feel like it when you really don't feel good at all, but you really do look cute! So, you never answered my question from a few emails ago...how are you? Since you didn't call me back ;) I'm excited to see you next month!